A New Milk Board & Your Renewed Milk Membership

Milk Club Co-Presidents Edward Wright & Kaylah Williams.

Thank you to everyone who attended last Tuesday's General Meeting where the Membership elected its new Executive Board for 2021:

Co-Presidents: Kaylah Williams & Edward Wright
VP Internal: Reid Coggins
VP Political: Jackie Thornhill
VP Events & Fundraising: Jeffrey Kwong
Treasurer: Jerry Fenske
E-Board Internal: Brad Chapin
E-Board Political: Lee Hepner
E-Board Outreach: Kurtis Wu
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 1: Michael Rouppet
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 2: Alvin Lee
E-Board Organizing: Nomvula O'Meara
Correspondent: Seamus McGeever
Recorder: Raya Steier
Immediate Past President: Kevin Bard

Also on Tuesday, Co-President Kaylah Williams nominated the following people to serve as At-Large Board Members: Joe Adkins, Jasper Wilde, and Luca Mineo-Marinello. The Membership will vote to confirm these nominees at our February General Membership Meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16th at 7pm.

And stay tuned for more potential At-Large nominations from our new Co-Presidents. If you have questions, feel free to email Edward and Kaylah about this or any other topic at [email protected].

And if you missed our January General Meeting, feel free to watch it here.

The first action of the newly-elected Harvey Milk Club Executive Board was to sign on to a crucial letter with the Coalition on Homelessness, GLIDE, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, the SF Public Defender, the Taxpayers for Public Safety, and other advocates from across the City to call on the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to take immediate action to implement recommendations found to achieve transit, racial, and economic equity.

By signing this letter, we are asking the SFMTA to do the following:

1) Extend the moratorium on fare evasion citations until the shelter-in-place period is ended.

2) Make the Access Pass available to San Franciscans in poverty who live in public and supportive housing.

3) Clear and void all prior fare evasion tickets and vacate the associated debt for those who are living in poverty or who have signed up for an Access Pass or Muni Lifeline Pass.

4) End fare evasion tickets for people with low incomes.

5) Make Muni free for people who live in poverty.

Your new Executive Board is wasting no time this year standing up with our allies for progressive values when it comes to transit issues. Or any other issue, for that matter.

Is your Milk about to expire in 2021? Fix that by clicking here.

If you have not renewed your Milk Club Membership between December 1st, 2020 and now, then it will automatically be suspended or possibly expire at the end of our February 16th General Membership Meeting.

Do not let this happen to you! Renew now at www.milkclub.org/join and stay with us in the fight this new year.

Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Longtime Milk Club Member Terrrie Frye has passed away. In this photo, she is wearing a shirt from the Hole In The Wall, her favorite SOMA bar.

Longtime Harvey Milk Club Member Terrrie Frye passed away at age 74 on February 4th at a Washington Hospital in Fremont. (Read more about Terrrie Frye's life in the BAR.)

Unfortunately, Terrrie had been ill for quite sometime and missed most of our meetings last year.

Granny Gear, as Terrrie was known by many of us, had deep roots in the Milk Club and did not tolerate bullshit easily throughout her decades of progressive activism, particularly on AIDS and cannabis rights related issues.

As SF DCCC Chair David Campos put it in the BAR, "She was a feisty, outspoken activist with a heart of gold."

Terrrie Frye will be missed.


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Remembering Ken Jones

San Francisco lost another incredible community activist this past week with Ken Jones, who passed away at age 70. (Read more here in the BAR.)

After serving three tours of duty in Vietnam with the U.S. Navy, Ken was stationed at Treasure Island for what would turn out to be a very consequential "relaxed shore duty."

Ken was a key organizer in what would become the AIDS Foundation, took part in the first AIDS bike ride, and served on the San Francisco Pride Board as its first black chair during the 80s.

Ken was also an ordained deacon who told the BAR in 2017, "God created me just like I am, healed, perfect, and whole."

(Portions of Ken's life and activism in San Francisco are chronicled in the book and miniseries When We Rise.)

Now, it is the Milk Club's turn to pick up his progressive torch and carry it forward into 2021 and beyond.

On Monday, Members of the Milk Club Board and the Castro community came together to put up a memorial for Ken Jones at the corner of 18th Street and Castro, otherwise known as "Hibernia Beach." Just days before, Bank of America had erected signs prohibiting the posting of any materials to the wrought iron fence, which became an impromptu memorial site for friends and neighbors throughout the AIDS crisis and is still used to memorialize our community's dearly departed.

By affixing a narrative of Hibernia Beach to the bank's exterior (see below), we also sought to remind Bank of America of the space's significance to the LGBTQ community. In the words of Tom Ammiano, we pulled some "nelly ninja shit.”

We stand ready if Bank of America ever needs another reminder.

Reporting on this needless controversy (including the history of this epicenter of the gay universe) can be found in Hoodline and 48 Hills.

The California Democratic Party has extended its deadline so that all ADEM ballots received by Wednesday, February 3rd WILL BE COUNTED!!!

Here is the Milk Club's list of endorsed candidates:

AD-17 ADEM (Self-Identified Female):
Christin Evans 
Cherelle Jackson
Janelle Jolley 
Nomvula O'Meara
Jackie Prager
Susan Solomon
Joy Zhan

AD-17 ADEM (Other Than Self-Identified Female):
Christopher Christensen
Corey Hallman
Jeffrey Kwong
Julian LaRosa
Vanessa Pimentel
Njon Sanders
William Shields

AD-19 ADEM (Self-Identified Female):
Sophia Andary
Brigitte Davila
Alondra Esquivel
Alida Fisher
Kalimah Salahuddin
Jasper Wilde
Kaylah Paige Williams

AD-19 ADEM (Other Than Self-Identified Female):
Brandon Harami
Gabriel Medina
Joshua Ochoa
Gilbert Williams
Alan Wong


With regards to your ADEM ballot, please remember:

1) That our endorsed ADEM candidates for AD 17 are listed besides these numbers: 01, 02, 03, 09, 10, 12, 13, 17, 36, 37, 39, 40, 44, and 46.

2) That our endorsed ADEM candidates for AD 19 are listed besides these numbers: 02, 05, 06, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 31, 33, and 40.

3) To vote for no more than 14 candidates. (If you vote for more, then your ballot will not be counted.)

4) To fill in your 10-digit voter ID code that comes with your ballot. (If you do not fill this in, then your ballot will not be counted.)

5) To send in your ballot using the envelope that came with your ballot. Postage is already provided.

Thank you to everyone who attended our January General Membership Meeting. The Membership elected its new Executive Board for 2021:
Co-Presidents: Kaylah Williams & Edward Wright
VP Internal: Reid Coggins
VP Political: Jackie Thornhill
VP Events & Fundraising: Jeffrey Kwong
Treasurer: Jerry Fenske
E-Board Internal: Brad Chapin
E-Board Political: Lee Hepner
E-Board Outreach: Kurtis Wu
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 1: Michael Rouppet
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 2: Alvin Lee
E-Board Organizing: Nomvula O'Meara
Correspondent: Seamus McGeever
Recorder: Raya Steier
Immediate Past President: Kevin Bard


Also, Co-President Kaylah Williams nominated the following people to serve as At-Large Board Members: Joe Adkins, Jasper Wilde, and Luca Mineo-Marinello. The Membership will vote on these nominees at our February General Membership Meeting. And if you missed our January Meeting, feel free to watch it here.

Also, take our quick community outreach survey here so that the Milk Club can set its priorities for 2021. And please renew your Membership for 2021 by clicking here before it lapses or expires in February!

Dr. King finally got his birthday wish. In fact, we all did.


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ADEM & Milk Board Elections This Month!


Thank you to everyone who attended our Club's emergency No Coup Virtual Rally on Wednesday! If you missed it, you can watch it here.


Register to vote in the ADEM elections here.

At our December General Membership Meeting, the Club voted to endorse the following candidates for California Democratic Party ADEM:

AD-17 ADEM (Self-Identified Female):
Christin Evans 
Cherelle Jackson
Janelle Jolley 
Nomvula O'Meara
Jackie Prager
Susan Solomon
Joy Zhan

AD-17 ADEM (Other Than Self-Identified Female):
Christopher Christensen
Corey Hallman
Jeffrey Kwong
Julian LaRosa
Vanessa Pimentel
Njon Sanders
William Shields

AD-19 ADEM (Self-Identified Female):
Sophia Andary
Brigitte Davila
Alondra Esquivel
Alida Fisher
Kalimah Salahuddin
Jasper Wilde
Kaylah Paige Williams

AD-19 ADEM (Other Than Self-Identified Female):
Brandon Harami
Gabriel Medina
Joshua Ochoa
Gilbert Williams
Alan Wong

Remember to mail out your ballot no later than Friday, January 22nd. (Postage is included.)

And if you missed December's General Meeting and ADEM candidate speeches, feel free to watch it here.


The Milk Club has kicked off our 2021 Executive Board nomination process. If you would like to nominate someone (or yourself) to any of our E-Board positions, feel free to click here and follow the instructions.

The positions up for nomination are as follows:

President or two Co-Presidents, Vice-President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for Political Affairs, Vice President of Events and Fundraising, Treasurer, Executive Board for Internal, Executive Board for Political, Executive Board for Outreach, Executive Board for Events and Fundraising (Seat #1), Executive Board for Events and Fundraising (Seat #2), Executive Board for Organizing, Correspondent, and Recorder.

Here are the candidates who have so far accepted their nominations:

Co-Presidents: Kaylah Williams & Edward Wright
VP Internal: Reid Coggins
VP Political: Jackie Thornhill
VP Events & Fundraising: Jeffrey Kwong
Treasurer: Jerry Fenske
E-Board Internal: Brad Chapin
E-Board Political: Lee Hepner
E-Board Outreach: Kurtis Wu
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 1: Michael Rouppet
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 2: Alvin Lee
E-Board Organizing: Nomvula O'Meara
Correspondent: Seamus McGeever
Recorder: Raya Steier

The Membership will be electing its new Executive Board on Tuesday, January 19th from 7-9pm. If you would like to attend, please register on Zoom here.

And please take our quick community outreach survey here so that the Milk Club can set its priorities for 2021.

And renew your membership for 2021 by clicking here before it lapses or expires next month!

The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club

Join or renew your Membership today!

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The Holigays Are Here Again!


The Milk Club has kicked off our 2021 Executive Board nomination process. If you would like to nominate someone (or yourself) to any of our E-Board positions, feel free to click here and follow the instructions.

The positions up for nomination are President or two Co-Presidents, Vice-President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for Political Affairs, Vice President of Events and Fundraising, Treasurer, Executive Board for Internal, Executive Board for Political, Executive Board for Outreach, Executive Board for Events and Fundraising (Seat #1), Executive Board for Events and Fundraising (Seat #2), Executive Board for Organizing, Correspondent, and Recorder.

Here are the candidates who have so far accepted their nominations:

Co-Presidents: Kaylah Williams & Edward Wright
VP Internal: Reid Coggins
VP Political: Jackie Thornhill
VP Events & Fundraising: Jeffrey Kwong
Treasurer: Jerry Fenske
E-Board Internal: Brad Chapin
E-Board Political: Lee Hepner
E-Board Outreach: Kurtis Wu
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 1: Michael Rouppet
E-Board Events & Fundraising, Seat 2: Alvin Lee
E-Board Organizing: Nomvula O'Meara
Correspondent: Raya Steier
Recorder: Seamus McGeever

And please take our quick community outreach survey here so that the Milk Club can set its priorities for 2021.

Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff must win in Georgia in order to save the U.S. Senate! (Photo is from The Guardian.)

Thank you to everyone who attended our Club's December General Meeting!

The Membership voted to officially endorse Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock for their respective U.S. Senate Seats in Georgia. Helping their campaigns may be our only chance to save the Senate from the clutches of Mitch McConnell and his nonstop obstructionism. So signup to phonebank with Knock for Democracy now.

The Membership also voted to endorse the following candidates for California Democratic Party ADEM:

AD-17 ADEM (Female-Identifying):
Christin Evans 
Cherelle Jackson
Janelle Jolley 
Nomvula O'Meara
Jackie Prager
Susan Solomon
Joy Zhan

 AD-17 ADEM (Non-Female-Identifying):
Christopher Christensen
Corey Hallman
Jeffrey Kwong
Julian LaRosa
Vanessa Pimentel
Njon Sanders
William Shields

AD-19 ADEM (Female-Identifying):
Sophia Andary
Brigitte Davila
Alondra Esquivel
Alida Fisher
Kalimah Salahuddin
Jasper Wilde
Kaylah Paige Williams

 AD-19 ADEM (Non-Female-Identifying):
Brandon Harami
Gabriel Medina
Joshua Ochoa
Gilbert Williams
Alan Wong

Please register to vote in the upcoming ADEM elections by clicking on this link: https://ademelections.com/?isCandidate=False. Afterwards, a ballot will be mailed to you.

Remember that the deadline to register to vote for ADEM delegates is January 11th, 2021. It's quick and easy!

And if you missed Tuesday's General Meeting and ADEM candidate speeches, feel free to watch it here.

This is how we sing Christmas carols, standing alongside the California Nurses Association as they fight for their rights as they work on the frontlines of this pandemic.

Besides our endorsements, the Membership voted to pass the following motions:

1) To reiterate our opposition to the installation of surveillance cameras in the Castro. (Read more about it in the BAR.)

2) To explicitly oppose the use of child slave labor in the harvesting of chocolate products by Mars and Nestle. (Please sign this petition.)

3) To support the inclusion of dedicated senior housing at the development at 730 Stanyan Street.

4) To oppose any expedited waivers that force nurses to be assigned more patients per shift, threatening their labor rights and the quality of care for patients. (Read more about it here.)

5) To allow for us to automatically endorse any ADEM candidates who came in 8th or lower if candidates our Club endorsed drop out. (This point is moot because only the endorsed candidates listed above passed our endorsement threshold.)

Tonight, let's give 2020 a big, socially-distanced French kiss goodbye!


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Upcoming Georgia, ADEM, & Milk Board Elections

If Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are both elected to the U.S. Senate from Georgia on January 5th, perhaps some of the damage done to this country can be repaired.

Mark your calendars for our December General Membership Meeting to be held Tuesday, December 15th at 7pm on Zoom. 

Also, please remember that we will not hold a PAC Meeting on Tuesday, December 8th.

Here is our December General Membership Meeting agenda:

1) Updates from our PAC, an update on our 2020 Holigay Party, and an update on our community outreach priorities for 2021. (Please take our quick community outreach survey here.)

2) A discussion and official endorsement vote for ADEM candidates running in AD 17 and AD 19. If you are a candidate who would like to speak at our meeting, please email us at [email protected] so that we can add you to our ballot and our speaking schedule. Candidates will likely be given a couple of minutes each to speak about themselves. First come, first serve.

3) A brief discussion and vote on officially endorsing Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff for the two runoff U.S. Senate seats in Georgia and what the Club can do to help them win if we endorse them.

4) Our General Meeting marks the beginning of our 2021 election process for the Milk Club Executive Board. If you are interested in running for any of our Club's E-Board seats, or would like to nominate someone to run, please plan on attending. Potential 2021 candidates are welcome to receive nominations, or nominate themselves, and give brief speeches in favor of their candidacies. (You can learn more about all of the E-Board positions at the bottom of this page.)

5) New Business.

Also, please renew your Milk Club Membership today at milkclub.org/join for 2021. All Memberships expire in at the conclusion of our February 2021 General Membership Meeting, and only full-fledged voting Members can elect next year's Executive Board at the January General Meeting.

Please register here to vote in the upcoming ADEM elections. It is quick, easy, and critical to ensure progressive Democratic endorsements in the near future.

Article VI of the California Democratic Party Bylaws provides that Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in each of the 80 California Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year to elect seven self-identified female Democratic candidates and seven other than self-identified female Democratic candidates to be Assembly District Delegates to represent the Assembly District in which they live.

These elections are open to all California Democrats. Delegates are responsible for planning and attending informational meetings throughout their respective regions and working with other delegates across California on statewide matters.

It is critical that all of us in the Milk Club register to vote and vote for progressive Democratic Delegates in Assembly Districts 17 and 19 to ensure that we endorse truly progressive state-level and federal representatives and ballot measures in 2022, worthy of Harvey Milk's legacy. Remember, these delegates could be pivotal if/when there are open seats in Congress or the State Assembly on the horizon

In order to register to vote in the 2021 ADEM elections, click here. The deadline to register to vote and receive a mail ballot is January 11th, 2021.

In order to apply as a candidate, register here. The deadline to apply is December 15th of this year, the same day as our December General Membership Meeting.

And please consider signing this petition holding the California Democratic Party to their commitment and allow Dreamers to run for ADEM.

Since everyone is in lockdown, you might as well make time for all of our Club's December events. It's not as if you have anything else better to do!

And if you missed our online vigil for Harvey Milk and George Moscone on the 42nd anniversary of their assassinations, you can watch it here.

Here is a list of all of the seats up at our January 2021 General Membership Meeting:

President or Co-Presidents: Shall be the principal executive officer(s) and spokesperson(s) of the Club. Shall carry out the Club's policies and be governed by the Club's bylaws. Shall do everything necessary to execute the policies of this organization as determined by the Membership. Shall appoint as many as five at-large Executive Board Members. Shall hold Executive Board Members accountable for their commitments to the Club. Shall appoint special committees as necessary to the functioning of the Club. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Vice President of Internal Affairs: Shall do everything necessary to assist the President/Co-Presidents in the performance of their duties. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President/Co-Presidents or the absence or temporary disability of the President, this person shall exercise all powers of the President/Co-President. Shall function as the Club’s manager of internal operations. Shall prepare executive committee and general membership agendas, in consultation with the President or relevant Chairs. Shall secure all general membership meeting locations of the Club. Shall ensure that all committees meet as needed and report their activities at Executive Board Meetings. Shall be a chair of the Standing Committee on Membership. Shall supervise the activities of the Membership Committee. Shall serve as the Club’s parliamentarian and track proposed by-law amendments as needed. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Vice President of Political Affairs: Shall do everything necessary to assist the President/Co-Presidents in the performance of their political duties. Shall prepare the Political Action Committee agenda, in consultation with the President. Shall administer all Political Action Committee meetings. Shall secure all Political Action Committee meeting locations. Shall be responsible for the implementation and execution of the Club’s endorsement process and all political activities of the Club. Shall regularly report to the Executive Board on all races and ballot measures requiring the Club's endorsements. Shall serve as Chair of the Standing Committee on Political Action. Shall supervise the activities of the Political Action Committee. Shall design all endorsement questionnaires. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Vice President of Events & Fundraising: Shall do everything necessary to assist the President/Co-Presidents in the performance of their duties. Shall serve as Chair of the Standing Committee on Events & Fundraising. Shall be responsible for the planning and execution of the Club’s community and fundraising events, including but not limited to, the Club's Annual Gayla Fundraiser, Candlelight Vigil, Castro Street Fair, Pride Events, and Holigay Party. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Treasurer: Shall keep an accurate account of all Club funds, including all contributions received. Shall disburse Club funds as authorized by the Membership or the Executive Board. Shall present regular financial reports to the Executive Board. Shall collect, process, and deposit funds in a timely manner. Shall manage and maintain the Club’s banking and accounting records. Shall be responsible for the preparation and timely filing of all financial reports as required by law. Shall abide by the Fair Political Practices Commission and Federal Election Commission laws, regulations, and filing reports. Shall submit, in writing, an annual financial statement to the Club at the close of the fiscal year. Shall present a draft annual budget two months before the end of the fiscal year. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Executive Board for Internal: Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Internal Affairs and assist that person in their duties. Shall staff the sign-in table at all General Membership and Political Action Committee meetings. Shall serve on the Standing Committee on Membership. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Executive Board for Political: Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Political Affairs and assist that person in their duties. Shall be a standing member of the Political Action Committee. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Executive Board for Outreach: Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Events & Fundraising and assist that person in their duties. Shall be in charge of all community outreach activities of the Club, including visibility and participation in community functions. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Executive Board for Events & Fundraising (Seat #1): Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Events & Fundraising and assist that person in their duties. Shall be a member of the Standing Committee on Events. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Executive Board for Events & Fundraising (Seat #2): Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Events & Fundraising and assist that person in their duties. Shall be a member of the Standing Committee on Events. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Executive Board for Organizing: Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Political Affairs and assist that person in their duties. Shall be a standing member of the Political Action Committee. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Correspondent: Shall maintain all Club correspondences. Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Internal Affairs and assist that person in their duties. Shall be responsible for press releases, press-related events, and other social media. Shall draft and prepare letters on behalf of the Club. Shall staff the sign-in table at the General Membership and Political Action Committee meetings. Shall prepare, schedule, and send the Club’s online newsletter. Shall be a member of the Standing Committee on Communications; ● Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.

Recorder: Shall record and maintain the minutes of General Membership and Executive Board meetings. Shall maintain all Membership, PAC, and Executive Board attendance lists. Shall work in collaboration with Vice-President of Internal Affairs and assist that person in their duties. Shall be responsible for ensuring the confidentiality and security of all records and membership lists. Shall email a copy of the minutes to each member of the Executive Board following each scheduled meeting and ensure that they are posted online. Shall maintain a list of all Club officers and update the Club's bylaws. Shall maintain chartering requirements with the San Francisco Democratic Central Committee each year. Shall be a member of the Standing Committees on Membership and Communications. Shall perform such other duties as are implicit in the title.



Stop the Shut Down of the Shelter-In-Place Hotels
Wednesday, December 9th | 3:30-7pm
Facebook Event Details Here
Zoom Details Here

SF DCCC's Holiday and Blue Victory Party
Wednesday, December 9th | 6-7:30pm
Facebook Event Details Here
Zoom Details Here

Milk General Membership Meeting: ADEM Endorsements
Tuesday, December 15th | 7-9pm
Facebook Event Details Here
Zoom Details Here


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42: 2020 Milk-Moscone Vigil

In this April 1977 file photo, San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, left, and Mayor George Moscone are shown in the mayor's office during the signing of the city's gay rights bill. (Read more at NPR.)

Thank you fo everyone who attended Friday's online vigil for Harvey Milk and George Moscone. If you missed it, feel free to watch it here.

On November 27th, 1978, Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were both murdered in cold blood by Dan White. So every year on this date, the Milk Club honors these men and the progressive movement they each created. Always remembering how their tragic and senseless deaths continually force us to fight for a queer-friendly, inclusive, and progressive future for all, in San Francisco and beyond.

During recent years, the Milk Club hosts an in-person, candlelight march in the Castro, ending at Harvey's old camera shop. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that simply was not an option this time.

According to Chris Arvin's presentation at Tuesday's General Membership Meeting, a strong majority of SF voters continues to agree with our Club's endorsements.

Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesday's November General Membership Meeting, which included a detailed analysis of the November 2020 election results. In particular, our Club would like to thank our guest speakers David Campos, Jane Kim, Joe Eskenazi, Chris Arvin, Hene Kelly, and Frances Hsieh for shedding light on the results and their ramifications, as well as upcoming elections. (More on that later.)

At our November General Meeting, the Membership voting to:

1) Officially oppose Ordinance 201265 which would penalize tenants $1,000 a day if they are accused of smoking tobacco or cannabis in their apartments. (Read more about this here.)

2) Officially support Ordinance 201185 which would require all new supportive housing that comes online and all current supportive housing to charge tenants no more than 30% of their income towards rent.

3) Hold an endorsement vote for ADEM candidates running in AD 17 and AD 19 at our December General Membership Meeting. (More on this below.)

4) Hold an endorsement vote for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock for the U.S. Senate in Georgia at our December General Membership Meeting.

5) Officially support AB 310 (The California State Public Bank Act) and the Federal Public Banking Act, sponsored by US Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

If you missed our meeting, you can view it here.


Article VI of the California Democratic Party Bylaws provides that Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in each of the 80 California Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year to elect seven self-identified female Democratic candidates and seven other than self-identified female Democratic candidates to be Assembly District Delegates to represent the Assembly District in which they live.

These elections are open to all California Democrats. Delegates are responsible for planning and attending informational meetings throughout their respective regions and working with other delegates across California on statewide matters.

Therefore, it is critical that all of us in the Milk Club register to vote and vote for progressive Democratic Delegates in Assembly Districts 17 and 19 to ensure that we endorse truly progressive state-level and federal representatives and ballot measures in 2022, worthy of Harvey Milk's legacy. Remember, these delegates could be pivotal if/when there are open seats in Congress or the State Assembly on the horizon.

In order to register to vote in the 2021 ADEM elections, register here. The deadline to register for a vote by mail ballot is January 11, 2021.

In order to apply as a candidate, register here. The deadline to apply is December 15th.

Also, keep in mind that the Membership will vote to endorse a slate of ADEM candidates in AD 17 and AD 19 at our December General Meeting. Stay tuned for more details as we get a clearer picture on who is running.


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A Queer Election: What Just Happened?

Bye bye, baby.

We in the Harvey Milk Club hope you are all rested by now because the 2020 elections have been one hell of a roller coaster!

And when all is said and done, the incumbent will be ejected from The White House one way or another. And our Club's endorsed presidential ticket, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, will soon be sworn into office and tasked will cleaning up the mess and healing our country's bloody wounds.

Our national nightmare is almost over. Hopefully.

Diana Ross in The Wiz singing "Brand New Day" after the melting of Evilene, the Wicked Witch of the West. Very fitting after these four long years.

Congratulations to District 1 Supervisor-elect Connie Chan!

Overall, November's election results have been mixed but mostly positive, especially at the local level. In fact, "Progressives are winning the Battle of San Francisco," according to 48 Hills.

Connie Chan's election to the Board of Supervisors certainly represents one of our progressive wins, despite sleazy, fly-by-night, fake tenant groups spending big bucks in District 1 to the contrary.

The Harvey Milk Club is proud of the grassroots (and mostly volunteer) support we offered Supervisor-elect Connie Chan, and we look forward to working with her at City Hall next year.

Join us at 7pm on Tuesday on Zoom as we discuss the November election results and what comes next.

We briefly discussed Connie Chan's win earlier, but what else happened on Election Day?

Join the Milk Club on Tuesday at 7pm as we discuss all of the election results (local, state, and federal) and what this election means for advancing our queer values in the not-so-distant future.

The Facebook Event details are here. And the Zoom details are here.

Our agenda includes:

1) Election results analysis, with a particular focus on local and state results with David Campos, Jane Kim, Joe Eskenazi and Chris Arvin.
2) Community Outreach efforts, including an open conversation on engaging in community service projects during off-election cycles.
3) Discussion on the upcoming 2021 E-Board elections.
4) Discussion for our Annual Harvey Milk Vigil for November 27th, which will be held virtually this year, due to COVID-19 concerns.
5) New Business.

Onward to 2021, queers! Onward:


SF Transgender Film Festival 2020 (Online)
Thursday, November 12th - Sunday, November 15th
Facebook Event Details Here
Film Festival Details Here

Milk Club November General Meeting: What Just Happened?
Tuesday, November 17th | 7-9pm
Facebook Event Details Here
Zoom Details Here

The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club

Join or renew your Membership today!

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Bye Bye Baby!!!


The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club

Join or renew your Membership today!

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Milk Club Endorsements November 2020




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