The Bylaws of The Harvey Milk Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer Democratic Club
Updated November 2024
The name of the organization shall be The Harvey Milk Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer Democratic Club.
The Harvey Milk Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer Democratic Club shall work within the Democratic Party and elsewhere to bring the issue of Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer rights to the forefront of political campaigns; shall lobby for legislation which upholds the rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, Queer and other peoples; and shall encourage and support the election and appointment of Out Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, and Queer people to public office. We shall also organize San Francisco's large Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer Community into a powerful political voice, demanding nothing less of candidates than full public support for Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer rights.
We shall form coalitions designed to solve problems of joint concern with racial and ethnic minorities and others who understand the interconnectedness of all struggles for equality. We shall build a close alliance with the Feminist Movement, with which we recognize a special kinship in goals. And we shall further economic and social justice for all people. We also expect politicians to take progressive stands on economic issues; on the rights of women, workers, and minorities; on protecting the environment; and on international affairs.
A. Membership and Dues
- Annual Dues: Membership dues shall be determined on an annual basis and shall be paid for the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31
- Payment Deadline: Dues for each calendar year must be paid before the third Tuesday of February of that year
- Individuals who pay after the deadline must pay dues upon joining, and their membership dues will be valid until the end of the calendar year
- The third-party payments of membership dues shall be limited to one payment for one other person per year
B. Attendance and Voting Eligibility
Members are eligible to vote upon payment of annual dues and attendance of three (3) General Membership meetings and / or membership-qualifying events within the previous 12 months. Members who do not fulfill this criteria are ineligible to vote in club endorsements, motions, bylaw amendments, and for Executive Board elections.
A. Membership and Dues
A member of the club is any person who has, at any point in time, timely paid dues, unless they have:
- subsequent to their most recent payment of dues, resigned from the club in a written statement to the VP of membership, or
- been expelled from the club
Membership dues shall be set by resolution of the executive board, as follows:
- The resolution shall specify when it becomes effective; no resolution that increases dues shall take effect fewer than 60 days subsequent to its adoption, nor fewer than 45 days subsequent to both notice to the membership of the resolution's adoption and posting of the text of the resolution to the club website.
- The resolution shall provide for reduced dues for low income members.
- The resolution may provide for reduced dues for other classifications of members, including but not limited to students.
- The resolution shall specify a policy and process for granting, upon request of a member, a waiver of that member's dues.
Timely payment of dues:
- New members of the club will be considered to have timely paid dues beginning on the day in which their dues are paid, and ending on the day one year subsequent to that day.
Renewing members shall have the period in which they are considered to have timely paid dues extended by one year if they:
- pay these dues no earlier than the 30th day prior to the end of the period in which their dues are considered timely paid, and
- no later than the 45th day following the end of the period in which their dues are considered timely. Otherwise,
- Payments made outside of the specified renewal period shall be treated in the same manner as that of a new member.
- Any granted dues waiver will be treated as if the member had paid dues on the date they requested the waiver.
- Any person who has, prior to November 19, 2024, been granted a lifetime membership in the club shall be considered to have timely paid dues for the remainder of their life. No new lifetime memberships may be granted until these bylaws are amended to specify the criteria and procedure for doing so.
- So as to most equitably transition from previous versions of this article of the bylaws, all renewing members who most recently paid dues no earlier than December 1, 2023, and no later than February 20, 2024 shall be considered to have timely paid dues ending February 20, 2025. This paragraph (e) shall be stricken from the bylaws after April 6, 2025.
Third party payment of dues:
- A member of the club who has timely paid their own dues may also pay all or part of the dues for at most one other member per membership period.
- Non-members may not pay any dues for any member.
- For purposes of this section, any reimbursement of all or part of a member's dues payments is considered to be equivalent to the reimbursing party having paid that member's dues.
- Dues payments made in violation of this section are never considered timely.
- Except as necessary to administer the collection of dues or granting of dues waivers, or as required by law, the amount of dues a member has paid is considered confidential and shall not be disclosed.
B. Attendance and Voting Eligibility
- Vote: a vote includes but is not limited to votes for motions, club endorsements, bylaw amendments, and Executive Board elections.
- Voting eligibility qualifying event: a voting eligibility qualifying event is a General Membership meeting as well as any other event, or category of events, set on an annual basis by resolution of the executive board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither an executive board meeting, nor any meeting where voting rights are limited to members of the executive board, is a voting eligibility qualifying event. The text of such resolutions shall be posted to the club website.
Eligibility: To be eligible to vote, a person must, at the time of the vote:
- Be a member of the club.
- Have timely paid dues.
- Have attended, at times when they have timely paid dues, at least three (3) voting eligibility qualifying events within the previous 12 months. If a vote takes place at a voting eligibility qualifying event, attendance at that same event shall be counted towards this requirement.
- Meet any other eligibility requirements for the vote or type of vote as may be specified elsewhere in these bylaws.
C. Members in good standing
A member in good standing is a member whose dues are timely paid, or who is within the grace period to extend their period of timely paid dues.
D. Non-suspension of this Article
Any motion to suspend all or part of this article of the bylaws is out of order.
A. Officers, Duties and Responsibilities
The Harvey Milk Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender / Queer Democratic Club shall hold elections in January of each year for the following officers: One President or two Co-Presidents, Vice-President of Membership, Vice President of Political Action, Vice President of Events and Fundraising, Vice President of Communications, Treasurer, Membership Officer (Seat #1), Membership Officer (Seat #2), Political Action Officer (Seat #1), Political Action Officer (Seat #2), Events and Fundraising Officer (Seat #1), Events and Fundraising Officer (Seat #2), Communications Officer, and Recorder.
In any year, the office of President may be filled by two individuals, provided that (i) such individuals mutually agree to seek such office together and place their names before the membership jointly, and (ii) at least one candidate shall be a woman. In the event that two individuals occupy the office of President as Co-Presidents pursuant to Article IV, Section A, each shall have one vote on the Executive Committee.
During their terms in office, Club officers who hold management or decision-making positions in campaigns for candidates or measures under Club consideration, are declared candidates, or receive monetary, in-kind, or employment-based compensation for services rendered from a candidate or campaign must recuse themselves from Executive Board level endorsement deliberations and Executive Board level votes related to their candidates and/or campaigns.
No registered lobbyist shall serve as a Club officer.
An Executive Board Member shall be removed from their seat following unexcused absences at three consecutive Executive Board meetings. Absences shall be considered excused by motion of the Executive Board.
The duties of Membership, Political Affairs, Events and Fundraising, and Communications Officers shall be those designated for their respective committees in Article V of these bylaws. The duties of Treasurer and Recorder shall be those designated in Robert’s Rules of Order, last revised edition, and the Treasurer shall also be responsible for the receipt of dues and for presenting monthly financial statements and written quarterly reports to the Membership. Each officer shall serve for one year until the next January election or until a successor is elected.
Up to five at-large board officers may be appointed by the President or Co-Presidents, pending the approval of a majority of the Club’s Membership.
B. Nominations and Elections
Nominations of officers shall be held at the regular meeting of the Membership in December of each year. Additional names may be placed in nomination at or before the January meeting prior to voting. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon election.
In order to be elected, candidates must receive a majority vote in the affirmative from all ballots cast. If no one receives the number of votes needed for election, the office shall be deemed vacant.
Approval voting shall be used in the election of Club officers.
No candidate may serve on the Executive Board unless dues are paid no later than one month following a candidate’s election.
C. Vacancies
In the event of vacancies in the office of President or the offices of Co-President, the Vice-President for Internal Affairs, or whoever falls next within the line of succession, shall succeed to the presidency until an election can be held. Such an election shall be held at the next general membership meeting, not to exceed one month's time, provided the Membership has advance notice of the pending election. The President or Co-Presidents may fill vacancies in any lower office by making a nomination at a general membership meeting. For the nomination to be confirmed, a nominee must receive a majority vote of the Membership at the general membership meeting immediately following the meeting when their nomination took place.
D. Dismissal
Should any Member move for the dismissal of an officer of the Club, and a second is made, and a majority of the Membership votes in agreement, that motion shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting for the review of all Members and shall be voted on at the next general membership meeting. Dismissal of any officer shall require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Membership.
E. Line of Succession
The official line of succession of officers within this Club shall go as follows: The President or Co-Presidents, Vice-President of Membership, Vice President of Political Affairs, Vice-President of Events and Fundraising, Vice President of Communications, Treasurer, Membership Officer (Seat #1), Membership Officer (Seat #2), Political Action Officer (Seat #1), Political Action Officer (Seat #2), Events and Fundraising Officer (Seat #1), Events and Fundraising Officer (Seat #2), Communications Officer, Recorder, The Immediate Past President or Co-Presidents, At-Large Officer (Seat #1), At-Large Officer (Seat #2), At-Large Officer (Seat #3), At-Large Officer (Seat #4), and At-Large Officer (Seat #5).
F. Officer Voting Outside Board Meetings
When the business of the club requires officers to vote outside of an executive board meeting, the following rules shall apply:
i. Making a Motion
a. Motions may be made and then seconded by any members of the board.
b. A motion may only be made on e-mail by sending a message to all board members using the Board list service (e.g. Google listserv). All actions on the motion will be carried out on email.
c. Once seconded, the chair shall restate the full motion being considered and proceed to opening debate on the motion or putting the motion to a vote.
ii. Debate of the motion
a. If the chair believes that the question merits discussion or debate or may face opposition or controversy among members, the chair shall open debate on the motion with an e-mail entitled “BOARD DEBATE,” a short description of the motion, and the deadline for members to debate the question. The allotted time for a debate shall be no less than 24 hours excluding California state holidays, Saturday and Sunday.
b. Members shall use “Reply All” in all messages and may respond at will, that is, without seeking recognition from the chair.
c. The maker of the motion may withdraw a motion before the motion is put to a vote.
d. At the conclusion of the time allotted for debate, the chair shall put the motion to a vote.
iii. Putting the Motion to a Vote
a. When putting a motion to a vote, the email subject must start with “BOARD VOTE,” a short description of the motion, and the deadline for members to cast a vote. The body of the email shall include the entirety of the motion put to a vote (for example: “BOARD VOTE— It is moved to (or that)...”, the maker(s) of the motion, (for example: “(name of officer) moves to (or that)...”), any supporting documents, and the allotted time (deadline) for Board members to cast a vote.
b. The allotted time for voting shall be set in accordance with the provisions set in these procedures.
c. Members shall state, “I vote yes,” or “I vote no” in the first line of the response and use “Reply All”.
iv. Allotted Voting Time
a. The allotted time for a vote shall be no less than 24 hours excluding California state holidays, Saturday and Sunday.
b. The voting time ends upon the end of the allotted time for members to cast a vote or when two-thirds of all board members, excluding vacancies, have voted on the motion.
c. If a majority of board members have not cast a vote by the deadline, the allotted voting time is automatically extended once for 24 hours. If a majority of board members have not yet cast a vote after this automatic extension of the deadline, the chair may extend the deadline for another 24 hours or to declare the vote as not passing for failure to reach a quorum.
d. The recorder shall tally the votes and report the result of the vote, including the number of votes cast for and against the motion.
v. Records and Minutes
a. The recorder shall compile and maintain the complete thread of the motion and its disposition including all motions.
b. The recorder shall prepare minutes of the vote and shall include the minutes in the agenda for the next regularly scheduled board meeting in a format as follows— On [date], at [time], [board member name], [position/board member], messaged the board making the following Motion 1: [text of motion]. The motion was seconded by [name]. The [officer] put the question to an e-vote on [date], at [time], . The vote closed on [date], at [time]. By a vote of [number] in favor and [number] opposed, the motion [was/was not] passed.
c. These minutes shall be approved at the next regular board meeting
The following committees are established to ensure effective operation and to open lines of communication between the membership and the executive committee.
A. The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, also known as the Executive Board, shall consist of all elected officers and caucus chairs and the immediate past President or Co-Presidents. Each officer shall have one vote. Each committee or caucus chair shall have one vote. That vote shall be split amongst the committee or caucus chairs if that committee or caucus has more than one chair, and more than one chair is present.
It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to plan the agendas of the general membership meetings; to invite special speakers covering topics of interest to club members; to act on behalf of the Club on routine matters and in emergency situations; and to oversee the standing of club committees and to ensure they function on a timely basis.
A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of its members.
Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be set by the general membership, and the dates and times shall be published in the club newsletter. Meetings shall be open to all club members, but voting shall be limited to members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may enter into closed session by majority vote of its members in order to discuss or take action on internal or sensitive matters.
Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at the request of the President, one of the Co-Presidents, or upon the request of any four of its members. Reasonable attempts shall be made to notify each member of the Executive Committee of a special meeting.
B. The Political Action Committee
The chair of the Political Action Committee shall be the Club's Vice President of Political Action.
It shall be the duty of the Political Action Committee to monitor the local, state and national political climates; to initiate club action on issues; to investigate and conduct impartial hearings on issues confronting the Club and then make recommendations to the general membership; to organize and conduct the endorsement process for all local non-partisan, Democratic primary and general elections, including candidates and propositions; and to coordinate campaign activities and voter outreach.
C. Membership Committee
The chair of the Membership Committee shall be the Club’s Vice President of Membership.
It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to keep membership records and to notify Club Members of upcoming dues; to conduct community outreach designed to recruit new members; to plan social activities designed to acquaint new Members with the Club; and to provide committee chairs with the names of members and their areas of interest regarding Club activities.
D. Events and Fundraising Committee
The chair of the Events and Fundraising Committee shall be the Club’s Vice President of Events and Fundraising.
It shall be the duty of the Events and Fundraising Committee to plan and coordinate events and fundraising activities designed to give the club a solid financial base and to encourage connection between members.
E. Communications Committee
The chair of the Communications Committee shall be the Club’s Vice President of Communications.
It shall be the duty of the Communications Committee to maintain editorial policies keeping with the philosophy and actions of the club’s membership, and to prepare and distribute the club’s communications, including but not limited to email newsletters, the club website, social media accounts, op-eds, columns, or other communication methods at the discretion of the committee.
F. Caucuses
Any group of ten members with common goals and/or interest may form a caucus by submitting a written request for recognition to the General Membership, including a statement of purpose and caucus organization. Recognition as a caucus shall be achieved by a majority vote of the general membership.
To form a caucus, a list of the names of ten active members must be given in writing to the Executive Board.
Caucus chairs should be elected annually by a vote of approval of caucus members. And a caucus that has not held noticed meetings within the last six months may be disbanded or asked to re-qualify at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Members may only join a total of two caucuses at the most, thereby enabling them to give due diligence to the matter for which the caucus was formed.
G. Actions by Committees and Caucuses
No committee or caucus may endorse candidates or propositions, take positions on behalf of the Club, or use the Club's name in support of candidates or issues without the approval of the Club, or in an emergency, the Executive Committee.
A. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Membership shall be held at least once a month on a date determined by the Executive Committee. Any motions of business may be in order, except as otherwise specified in these bylaws.
B. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Club may be called by the President, one of the Co-Presidents, by a majority of the Membership at a regular meeting, or upon written demand from ten percent of the membership rolls.
C. Rules
Advance written notice shall be given to the Membership for all meetings of the Club, as well as for all Executive Committee meetings when feasible.
A quorum for any General Membership meeting shall consist of either ten percent of the Club’s Membership, or twenty-five members, whichever is less.
There shall be no proxy voting.
D. Endorsement Election Procedures
Regarding P.A.C. Elections: A Member’s voting privileges for a P.A.C. endorsement and related motions go into effect after attending any required qualifying P.A.C. meeting, as determined by the Executive Board. Only Members of this Club with full voting privileges may be allowed to vote in a P.A.C. endorsement.
Regarding General Membership Elections: No vote to endorse a candidate or proposition, or to rescind an endorsement, shall be allowed unless the Membership, at a prior general membership meeting, has approved holding the endorsement vote on the date such vote will take place, and notice of the endorsement vote is published at least five days prior to that voting meeting. To rescind an endorsement, a two thirds affirmative vote shall be required.
A. Robert’s Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order, last revised edition, shall govern procedure to the extent that they are consistent with these bylaws and those of other bodies with which this Club may join. Consensus will be attempted at all meetings.
B. Civility
Members are expected to treat one another with respect and maintain civility during our Club’s meetings. Every member shall have the right to expect that club meetings and functions shall be safe environments.
No Member shall make disparaging remarks about any other member in a public forum or meeting of this Club based on a Member’s status, identity, age, class, ethnicity, race, disability, gender identity, sexual identity, national origin, or religion.
No Member of the club shall destroy club property.
No Member shall threaten or carry out threats of bodily harm; harass members at a Member's home, workplace, in a public forum, or through excessive voicemail or email contact; or threaten, embezzle, or extort club finances.
C. Violations of Civility
If any Member violates the aforementioned provisions, any other Member may file a complaint against that person with the Executive Board. If a violation of civility is alleged, the President or Co-Presidents shall notify the Member against whom the complaint is charged. That person shall be provided five days to respond to the allegations in writing. If a response is received, or else after the provided number of days to respond have passed, the Executive Board shall appoint a subcommittee to consider the evidence concerning the allegations and shall report back to the Executive Board their findings of fact. If the Executive Board finds that the charges against the member are valid, it may recommend no action, probation, censure, or expulsion, in that order, according to the severity of the charge and whether similar conduct by the Member has occurred in the past. This recommendation shall be taken up by the General Membership and voted upon at the next general meeting of the Club following notice. The recommendation of the Executive Board shall require a vote by two-thirds of the Members present to be sustained.
D. Use of Member Data
Member contact and financial data and information ("Member data") will be used only for Club activities and duties as outlined in the bylaws. The Executive Board members who need direct and consistent access to some or all of this data are the President, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Political Action, Vice-President of Events and Fundraising, Vice-President of Communications, Treasurer, Membership Officer (Seat #1), Membership Officer (Seat #2), and the Communications Officer. Access to such data for other parties or members of the Executive Board shall proceed on a need-to-access basis upon approval of the President.
Member data will not be shared directly with any endorsed campaign by any member of the Executive Board. Executive Board members can use such data to communicate on behalf of endorsed campaigns.
During Executive Board elections, Member data should only be used by the Communications Committee and the Membership Committee to fulfill their duties of informing the Membership of the upcoming elections and their voting eligibility statuses, respectively. No Executive Board member should access Member data for the sake of campaigning for an Executive Board position at any time.
A. Rules and Process
No candidate for public or party office, or ballot proposition, shall receive an endorsement from the Club unless the Membership has been notified as specified in Article VI, Section E. In order for a candidate to be endorsed, the person must receive a sum score of at least 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score, which shall be determined by multiplying the total number of ballots cast by five. In order for a proposition to be endorsed yes, no, or no recommendation, a position must receive at least 60% of the ballots cast.
Single-Seat, Single-Choice Races:
For all single-seat, single-choice races (such as President, Senator, Congressperson, Governor and other statewide offices, State Senate, and State Assembly), all eligible candidates will appear on one ballot and voting members may score as many candidates as they desire by ranking any or all of the eligible candidates on a scale ranging from zero to five. All of the ballots will be counted, and that number will be multiplied by the maximum ranking of five, resulting in a maximum ballot score. Then each candidate will have his or her individual rankings summed.
If no candidate receives a sum equivalent to or greater than 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score, then no candidate will be endorsed. If only one candidate receives a sum equivalent to or greater than 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score, then that candidate will be endorsed. If more than one candidate receives a sum equivalent to or greater than 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score, then the candidate with the highest score wins the endorsement. In the case of a tie, the Executive Board is empowered to hold an emergency runoff in order for the Membership to determine one winner.
Single-Seat, Multi-Choice Races:
For all single-seat, multi-choice races with more than one candidate (such as Mayor, District Attorney, City Attorney, Sheriff, Treasurer, Assessor-Recorder, and Supervisor), all eligible candidates will appear on one ballot and voting members may score as many candidates as they desire.
If no candidate receives a sum equivalent to or greater than 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score, then no candidate will be endorsed. If only one candidate receives a sum equivalent to or greater than 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score, then that candidate will be endorsed. If a second candidate receives 50% + 1 or more but fewer votes than the first-place candidate, then that candidate will receive a second-place endorsement. If a third candidate receives 50% + 1 or more but fewer votes than the second-place candidate, then that candidate will receive a third-place endorsement. (And so on, if the City’s Department of Election allows for more than three ranked-choice options on its official ballot.) In the case of a tie, the Executive Board is empowered to hold an emergency runoff in order for the Membership to determine a winner. The Club shall not endorse more candidates than allowable.
Multi-Seat, Multi-Choice Races:
For all multi-seat, multi-choice races (such as Board of Education, Community College Board, and San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee), all eligible candidates will appear on one ballot and voting members may score as many candidates as they desire.
Any candidate must receive a sum equivalent to or greater than 50% + 1 of the maximum ballot score to be endorsed. If the number of endorsed candidates exceeds the number of seats available, then the candidate or candidates with the fewest votes will be eliminated. In the case of a tie for last place, the Executive Board is empowered to hold an emergency runoff in order for the Membership to determine a last-place winner. The Club shall not endorse more candidates than seats available.
Ballot Measures:
The Membership must vote in the affirmative by at least a 60% supermajority for the endorsement of a yes, a no, or a no recommendation vote to become official. If no position receives the sufficient number of votes for an endorsement, then the Club’s official recommendation on such a ballot measure will be no position.
This methodology shall be used for endorsing in the P.A.C. as well as in the general endorsement meetings.
C. Endorsed Candidates
Candidates endorsed by the Club are expected to:
Use the name of the Harvey Milk Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender /Queer Democratic Club and to include it with all candidate literature which lists organizational endorsements.
Refrain from giving financial support to slate cards or other campaign materials that endorse propositions seeking to deny rights to any person on the basis of age, class, ethnicity, race, disability, gender identity, sexual identity, national origin, or religion; or that oppose propositions seeking to secure basic rights for such groups. Candidates endorsed by the Club shall be reminded that the Club is a Democratic Club and that candidates are expected to refrain from giving financial support to any slate cards or other campaign materials that are produced or distributed by the Republican Party or Republican organizations.
Refrain from taking public positions in favor of legislation or policies that deny rights to any person on the basis of age, class, ethnicity, race, disability, gender identity, sexual identity, national origin, or religion; or that oppose propositions seeking to secure basic rights for such groups. A list of such legislation and policies shall be compiled by the P.A.C. and approved by the Club for distribution to candidates.
Refrain from hiring campaign consultants known to have worked on campaigns that have used tactics appealing to prejudice against any person on the basis of age, class, ethnicity, race, disability, gender identity, sexual identity, national origin, or religion. A list of such consultants shall be compiled by the P.A.C. and approved by the Club for distribution to candidates.
And refrain from engaging in tactics appealing to prejudice against any person on the basis of age, class, ethnicity, race, disability, gender identity, sexual identity, national origin, or religion.
D. Violations
Candidates who have violated Article VIII, Section C. during a period of five years prior to the endorsement vote for the next election shall be ineligible for the Club's endorsement for that election. If a violation of Article VIII, Section B. is alleged after the Club has endorsed a candidate, the President or Co-Presidents shall notify the candidate, providing that person twenty-four hours to respond to the allegations in writing. If no response is received within twenty-four hours, the Executive Board shall determine, by a majority vote, whether a violation of these provisions exists. If it is determined that a candidate has violated these provisions, the endorsement shall be withdrawn, and that candidate shall be ineligible to receive our endorsement for a period of five years. All candidates who receive the Club's endorsement shall be notified of these provisions.
Candidate or proposition campaigns may not use the Club's name in any manner (i.e. “received most votes”) unless they have received the Club's endorsement. If a candidate, having been apprised of this provision, violates it, he or she shall be ineligible to receive the Club's endorsement the next time he or she runs for public office. All candidates who receive our endorsement shall be notified of this provision.
E. Selection of Representatives at California Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Conferences
The Executive Board of this Club shall choose representatives for the California Democratic Party pre-endorsement conferences. In order to vote, a chosen representative must be a registered Democrat and a member in “good standing” who officially resides in the appropriate State Assembly, State Senate, and/or Congressional District.
A. Procedure
Any Member may move a bylaw amendment at any regular membership meeting. If a motion to amend is seconded, and a majority of the Membership votes in agreement, then the Membership shall be notified as provided in Article VI, Section D. At the subsequent meeting to consider adoption, the proposed amendment must receive a two-thirds affirmative vote of Members voting in order to be incorporated into these bylaws. Any motion to suspend the bylaws is out of order.