On Sunday, please come out and support the 2nd Annual People's March & Rally: Unite to Fight!
Read more about it in the BAR.
The People's March & Rally is meant to take SF Pride back to its roots and its original route of 51 years ago. The Rally is explicitly designed to keep the police and corporations out of Pride so that all of our Trans, Queer, Black, Brown, and Indigenous marchers feel safe, welcome, and heard.
The 2nd Annual People's March & Rally is hosted by Alex U. Inn & Juanita More! Attendees will begin gathering between 10-10:30am, with an 11am kickoff taking place between Polk Street and Washington Street.
Also, please consider donating here.
Read more about it in the BAR.
The People's March & Rally is meant to take SF Pride back to its roots and its original route of 51 years ago. The Rally is explicitly designed to keep the police and corporations out of Pride so that all of our Trans, Queer, Black, Brown, and Indigenous marchers feel safe, welcome, and heard.
The 2nd Annual People's March & Rally is hosted by Alex U. Inn & Juanita More! Attendees will begin gathering between 10-10:30am, with an 11am kickoff taking place between Polk Street and Washington Street.
Also, please consider donating here.
Thank you to everyone who attended our June 8th PAC Meeting. And if you missed it, you can watch it here.
The PAC unanimously voted to pass the following motions:
1) A motion to support the GLBT Historical Society’s request for a $300,000 add-back in the 2021 annual appropriations ordinance.
2) A motion to support the creation of a Milk Club HIV Caucus.
3) A motion to support the 2021 budgetary priorities of the HIV AIDS Providers Network, Getting to Zero Consortium, and the SF HIV Planning Council in order to provide life-saving services and to protect essential funding for communities impacted by HIV in San Francisco.
And thank you to everyone who attended our June General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, June 15th. If you missed it, you can see the recording of the meeting here.
Our Membership voted:
1) To propose a bylaw amendment defining the rules for how the Executive Board votes outside of the context of a regularly-scheduled Executive Board meeting. The bylaw proposal will be voted on at our July General Membership meeting and needs two thirds to be ratified.
2) To support the Caravan for the Children Campaign petition. Please sign it here: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/caravan-for-the-children
Our Membership voted:
1) To propose a bylaw amendment defining the rules for how the Executive Board votes outside of the context of a regularly-scheduled Executive Board meeting. The bylaw proposal will be voted on at our July General Membership meeting and needs two thirds to be ratified.
2) To support the Caravan for the Children Campaign petition. Please sign it here: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/caravan-for-the-children
A photo from our first in-person Happy Hour on Monday at The Cinch since the start of the COVID pandemic. The Milk Club will be having another one in July.
The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club
Join or renew your Membership today!
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