PAC Endorsement Day - Saturday, March 15th

Join the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club this Saturday, March 15th from 9am-2pm at the Women's Building (1st Floor Auditorium) as we hear from candidates and ballot measure proponents and opponents for the June election.

All members in good standing and who have attended at least 1 other PAC qualifying meeting (February 11th or March 11th PAC meetings) are eligible to vote in the PAC endorsements. All members and interested members of the public are encouraged to attend to hear from the various candidates and learn more about ballot measures. The Club's official endorsements will be made at the Tuesday, March 18th General Membership meeting from 7-9pm at the Women's Building. 

A schedule of speakers for Saturday's PAC endorsement meeting is provided below

9:30-9:45 Betty Yee Controller
10:00-10:15 Daniel Flores Judge
10:30-10:45 No on Prop B  
10:45-11:00 John Perez Controller
11:00-:11:15 David Peterson Congress, D12
11:30-11:45 Prop B/No Wall on Waterfront  
11:45-Noon Alex Padilla Rep Secretary of State
Noon-12:15 Kimberly Williams Judge
12:15-12:30 Derek Cressman Secretary of State
12:30-12:45 Carol Kingsley Judge
12:45-1:00 Leland Yee Secretary of State
1:15-1:30 Phil Ting Assembly, D19

For any questions or more information, please contact [email protected]