Thank you to everyone who attended last night's General Membership Meeting. If you missed it, you can watch it here.
The Membership voted:
1) To support the Local 39 strike against Kaiser Permanente and to support the actions organized by Kaiser workers across the state.
2) To support the Milk Club becoming an affiliate of Healthy California Now, a statewide coalition that is dedicated to establishing a single-payer, Medicare-For-All system across the state.
3) To oppose the exclusion of Bernal Heights, Bayview and Visitation Valley from the soon-to-be redrawn Assembly District 17.
4) To support Supervisor Dean Preston's Emergency Housing Acquisition Program.
5) To support Supervisor Rafael Mandelman's proposal to allow new bars to operate in the Castro District.
6) To support suspending the cannabis tax for another year.
7) To support holding an endorsement vote for SF Assessor-Recorder at our December General Meeting.
8) To support holding an endorsement vote for the recall elections for SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin and School Board Members Alison Collins Gabriela Lopez, Faauuga Moliga, and Alison Collins at our December General Meeting.
9) To support holding a vote for a bylaw change restructuring the Milk Club Executive Board at our December General Meeting.
10) And the Membership voted to officially endorse Alex Lee for AD 25.
Thank you to everyone who attended our 43rd Annual Vigil. (Photo credit: Bill Wilson)

Photo: Bob McLeod / 1977 S.F. Examiner, during the signing of the City's Gay Rights Ordinance.
The Milk Club is unapologetically progressive and proudly queer. Since 1976, we have built power with and for all of the “Us’s” — San Francisco’s most vulnerable communities — in order to be free from scarcity, oppression, and machine politics.
Please join or renew your Harvey Milk Club Membership by clicking here. Stay with us in the fight!
Also, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding your Membership.
And stay involved by going to our website: And join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by searching for our handle @harveymilkclub.
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