WHAT: Humps Days With Harvey Happy Hour - Gangway Edition
WHEN: Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 | 6:30-9:30pm
WHERE: Gangway, 841 Larkin St.
Calling all queers, progressives, allies, and friends! The Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club is holding its first Hump Day with Harvey Happy Hour! In honor of this month of love and friendship, we are inviting all of the club’s friends to join us in the heart of the Tenderloin at the storied Gangway.
Come throw a few back with your favorite queer politicos and in the spirit of the season, bring a pal to join the fun! Maybe they’re new in town, maybe they want to get involved in local politics or maybe they just want to grab a beer - whatever the case, all are welcome to a cordial evening with friends and the first of many occasions to toast the 85th anniversary of the birth of our namesake himself, Harvey Milk!
Please RSVP here:
PLUS - 642 Hyde St. Fire Donation Drive
We'll also be accepting donations for the families displaced by the fire at 642 Hyde Street just a few weeks ago. Please give a helping hand and donate some cash directly to them or bring a few items to the happy hour.
The most needed items (besides money) are:
• Housewares: cups, plates, silverware, pots and pans
• Beds/Bedding: full and queen size sheets, comforters, pillows, blankets, towels
• Toiletries: soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toilet paper, razors, tampons and pads for women
• Baby supplies: size 4 diapers, diaper cream, baby shampoo, clothing size 12 months
• Kid clothing: boys size small, medium, and large shirts/sweaters/jackets and girls size 5T shirts/sweaters/jackets/pants
• Adult clothing: size 30x30, 32x30, and 32x32 pants/jeans/pajama bottoms for men. Medium and Large shirts and sweaters for men and women
• Shoes: size 9, 9.5 Men’s, 7, 10 Women’s, 5 Boys, 4 Girls