Resisting Trump // City Budget 101 // Club Officer Elections


Harvey Milk Club General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, January 17th | 7-9pm
Women's Building | 3543 18th St. SF 94110
<< RSVP here >> 

It's the first meeting of the Harvey Milk Club for the year! Join us as we hear from local organizers about how to #ResistTrump and get involved in #J20 inauguration day protest activities, learn a little more about the City budget and what's happening with funding for things like free City College, and hear from candidates running for the 2017 Harvey Milk Executive Board. This meeting is open to the public. 

Members in good standing, who either renewed their dues in 2016 or joined the Club before November 15th, will be eligible to cast their votes in this year's Club officer election. Voting will be open from 7-9pm. 

Club officer nominations are still being accepted until January 17th. 
Nominate here >>

1) Welcome / Updates
2) #J20 Inauguration Day Activities
3) City Budget 101
4) Resolution on New Museum of LGBTQ History & Culture
5) Resolutions on Bathrooms in SRO's & Non-Profit Tenants Rights
6) Executive Board Candidate Speeches
7) New Business
8) Adjourn 

Immediately following the meeting, all members and friends of the Club are invited to help us count votes at the 500 Club (500 Guerrero St) and celebrate the outgoing 2016 Executive Board as we welcome in the new 2017 Board!

Have questions? E-mail: [email protected] 
