Milk Club Minutes
General Membership
July 15, 2014
Chair: Laura Thomas
- PAC Update
- Endorsement process: Saturday August 16th, Rainbow Room LGBT Center 9am-5pm November Election
- Multiple clubs hosting endorsements at the LGBT Center that day
- Attend PAC meeting August 12th and two hours participation Saturday to qualify to vote
- Sign up sheet for callers – Thursday July 24th East Sacramento Swing County, DCCC HQ in SF
- Community Choice Aggregation
- Please oppose AB2125 – passed AB, headed to the Senate
- Opposed by Sierra Club and Mark Leno
- Motion to oppose AB2145 passes unanimously
- CA State Dem Party votes
- Yes on 44, yes 45, neutral prop 46, yes on 47, yes on 48, water bond on hold
- Investigating changes to delegation rules
- Growing in size
- Appointments by elected officials can't vote when they live outside the district
- Endorsement process: Saturday August 16th, Rainbow Room LGBT Center 9am-5pm November Election
- San Francisco Budget Package
- Jess, Mark Ferrell’s office and Lisa Marie, Harvey Milk Executive Board
- $8.6 Billion proposed by Mayor Ed Lee
- $40million in addition savings found by the budget committee to reallocate
- Package approved by BOS unanimously
- Highlights:
- More invested in affordable housing, revamp and production
- Immense homelessness focus and committee time
- Food security
- Parks and rec
- Funds for Mission Zero
- Jess, Mark Ferrell’s office and Lisa Marie, Harvey Milk Executive Board
- Pride Update
- All the parades went great
- Thank you members for your participation
- Yellow Shirts Still for Sale
- All the parades went great
- Annual Dinner and Gayla
- Thursday August 7th 6:00pm – 9:00pm
- CCSF Mission Campus, Community Room and Courtyard
- Catered by CCSF Culinary
- Opportunity to Highlight CCSF and the issues we are working on
- We want to spend our money at CCSF
- Honorees Announced
- Tom Ammiano to get his second Harry Britt Lifetime Achievement Awards
- We need to raise money! Please help sell tickets!
- Contact Tom or Laura if you have leads
- Sharp Park Golf Course and Significant Resources Natural Areas Management Plan
- Sharp Park Golf Course redevelopment plan affected by the significant natural areas plan
- The plan has to go under the significant natural areas environmental review
- We oppose the redevelopment plan’s inclusion in the natural areas plan
- By including it, they remove public input and democratic planning processes
- Motion made to write a letter opposing the Sharp Park Golf Course’s inclusion in the Significant Resources Natural Areas Management Plan passes
- Sharp Park Golf Course redevelopment plan affected by the significant natural areas plan
- Recycling Center Action Update
- Eviction of the Center tomorrow at 6am will have a huge effect on the community
- Civil Disobedience to protest and block the eviction
- 5:30am Safeway Recycling Center
- Anti-Speculation Tax Update
- Four supervisors approved the bill for November
- Polling well, needs fifty-percent plus one
- Endorsement issue, Club can't support Harvey's legislation because of bylaw technicality
- Three options:
- suspend bylaws temporarily
- temporarily give executive board authority to endorse
- do nothing
- Three options:
- Motion made to suspend bylaws temporarily passes unanimously
- Motion made to endorse the Harvey Milk Anti-Speculation Tax and bring it for a confirmation meeting at the regular endorsement meeting in August passes unanimously
- GM Executive Board At Large Appointment, Jenna Haywood
- Nominated last month
- Has done great work in the LGBT community, with labor issues and with David Campos
- Nomination passes unanimously
- Queer Strike and Welfare Warriors, First International Week for Stop the War on the Poor
- Rise Out of Poverty Act in US House of Reps
- Proposes changes in workfare program
- Mothering is work
- Schoolwork is work
- 1 in 2 people in county are low income or no income
- Proposes changes in workfare program
- Motion to support Rise Out of Poverty Act and campaign to propel its passage
- Rise Out of Poverty Act in US House of Reps
- New Business
- Sythina Cruise passed appointment to LAFCO
- Housing Balance Initiative by Jane Kim, please give comment at Rules Committee Thursday at 2pm
- Minimum wage initiative also up for discussion at the Rules Committee that day
- Paulina with Daniel Flores, Cookies and Wine
- Let’s Elect Our Elected Officials Update – 6 voted against it
- Michael Petrelis, D8 Race
- We’re starting our campaign. Please help us out Scott Wiener.
- Shanell Williams, CCSF Trustee introduces and supports Board of Trustees Candidate
- Board of Trustees Candidate, Wendy
- Mobilization Alamo Square Park on Saturday 10am-3pm
- Wendy: “CCSF saved my life”
- Contact Shanell to help
- Jane Kim renaming an ally
- Lech Walesa Ally, made anti-LGBT comments
- Rename to: Tom Waddell Ally, a prominent LGBT individual
- Monday July 21st 1:30pm hearing City Hall
- Daniel Flores, Thank you Harvey Milk Club for your support
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