The Harvey Milk Club's 43rd Annual Gayla


Where: San Francisco War Memorial: Green Room
When: July 29th, 2019 from 6-9pm.
Eventbrite tickets are here.


HERO: $5,000 or above
Acknowledgment in pre-event e-newsletter & press releases.
Full page ad in program.
Podium recognition during program.
Opportunity to display branded banners onsite.
Tag in Facebook event page.
Logo recognition on signage & program.
Sponsored Facebook post.
10 tickets (one table).

Half page ad in program.
Podium recognition during program.
Opportunity to display branded banners onsite.
Tag in Facebook event page.
Logo recognition on event posters, signage & program.
Sponsored Facebook post.
5 tickets (half of a table).

Tag in Facebook event page.
Logo recognition on event posters, signage, and program.
Sponsored Facebook post.
5 tickets (half table).

Name recognition on event posters, signage, and program.
Sponsored Facebook post.
4 tickets.

Name recognition in program.
Sponsored Facebook post.
2 tickets.

General Admission Dinner Ticket: Regular: $75

Current Sponsors:

Hero Sponsorship ($5,000):
The Golden State Warriors
The National Union of Healthcare Workers

Instigator Sponsorship ($2,500):
BMWL & Partners
SEIU Local 1021
Rafael Mandelman
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Dean Preston

Organizer Sponsorship ($1,000):
San Francisco DCCC Members: Peter Gallotta, Honey Mahogany, David Campos, Frances Hsieh, Keith Baraka, Petra DeJesus, Alysabeth Alexander, Pratima Gupta, and Sophie Maxwell.
The San Francisco Giants
Phil Ting

Activist Sponsorship ($500):
Teamsters Local Union 856
United Educators of San Francisco
Shahid Buttar
SF Treasurer José Cisneros
Shaun Haines
Paul Melbostad
Aaron Peskin
Shanell Williams

Advocate Sponsorship ($250):
The Bayard Rustin LGBT Coalition
St. James Infirmary
Bob Dockendorff
Jane Kim
Ivy Lee
Paul Miyamoto
Alex Randolph
Brenden Shucart
Tom Temprano
Edward Wright

Also, the deadline to sponsor and have your sponsorship included in our dinner program is Monday, July 22nd!

Please mail checks to S.E. Owens & Company: 312 Clay Street #300, Oakland, CA 94607.


  • Contributions to The Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club Political Action Fund are not tax deductible.
  • Election law requires us to publicly report cumulative contributions of $100 or more
  • We may not deposit your contribution without  your name, street address, occupation and employer information from individual contributors, and may not accept contributions of $100 or more made by cashier’s checks, money orders, or cash.
  • In making this contribution, the contributor affirms that they are a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.


 “Paid for by The Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club Political Action Fund FPPC # 1383218
