PAC Candidate & Ballot Measure Endorsement Day

Saturday, March 12, 2016
Location: Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA)
2301 Mission Street (Suite 301)
San Francisco, CA 94110

The Harvey Milk Club Political Action Committee (PAC) will meet this Saturday, March 12th to interview candidates and learn about ballot measures that will appear on the June ballot. The PAC will hold a vote to make endorsement recommendations.

All members of the public are welcome. Harvey Milk Club members in good standing who attended one qualifying meeting may vote on PAC endorsements. 

The schedule of speakers will be provided the day of the event. Interviews will begin promptly at 10am. We encourage all Harvey Milk Club members to attend for as much of the day as possible. Eligible members may vote between the hours of 12pm and 5pm, after having attended the interviews for at least two hours. Refreshments will be provided. 

For more information, contact Lee Hepner, PAC Chair, at [email protected]
