The Milk Club's November 2019 Endorsements

Here is our Club's list of endorsements for the November 2019 ballot:

Mayor: no position
District 5 Supervisor: Dean Preston (sole-endorsement)
City Attorney: Dennis Herrera
District Attorney: Chesa Boudin (sole-endorsement)
Public Defender: Manohar Raju
no position
Treasurer: Jose Cisneros
Board of Education: Jenny Lam
Community College Board: Ivy Lee

Yes on Measure A: Affordable Homes for San Franciscans Now
Yes on Measure B: A New Department of Disability and Aging Services​
No on Measure C: SF Kids vs. Big Tobacco
Yes on Measure D: Safer Streets, Less Traffic, Better MUNI
Yes on Measure E: Affordable Homes for Teachers and Families
Yes on Measure F: Sunlight on Dark Money

Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesday's General Membership Meeting. The Membership voted

1) To forward to the October Meeting a bylaw amendment to ban registered lobbyists from serving on the Executive Board. (Unanimous.)

2) To forward to the October Meeting a bylaw amendment to limit third-party payments of memberships to one payment per year. (Unanimous, with 1 abstention.)

3) To forward to the October Meeting a bylaw amendment to mandate that all new Members must attend three General Membership Meetings and/or qualifying events before receiving the right to vote on endorsements and for Executive Board elections. (Unanimous.)

4) To support the closure of the jail at 850 Bryant, to oppose creating any new jails in its place, to support the funding of decarceral alternatives, and to encourage people to attend a Public Safety Committee hearing at City Hall on Friday, October 11th at noon on this topic to advocate for this closure. (Unanimous.)

5) To endorse the Friday, September 20th Global Climate Strike and week of action. (Unanimous.)

6) To support the efforts of the Flore Store Cannabis Retail Store. (Unanimous, with 4 abstentions.)

7) To support passage of the Protect Hong Kong Act and the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. (Unanimous.)

The Membership also voted to endorse the following candidates for SF Pride Board: Laurence Berland, Brad Chapin, Steve Guilliams, Alex U. Inn, Anjali Rimi, and William Walker. And congratulations to Anjali Rimi and Alex U. Inn on winning your elections!
